Dallet May Run for Supreme Court

Milwaukee County Circuit Judge Rebecca F. Dallet is widely rumored to be readying a run for the State Supreme Court seat now held by Michael J. Gableman.

Dallet, however, isn’t quite ready to commit. “I’ve been approached by several people asking me to run and I’m giving it serious consideration,” she said Wednesday.

If Dallet runs and the very conservative Gableman seeks re-election, there will be a primary in the Supreme Court race next year because Madison attorney Tim Burns already has announced that he will also seek the seat.
The primary election will be Feb. 20; the general election will be April 3.

Dallet was elected to the Branch 40 bench in 2008, beating attorney and police officer Jeffrey Norman. She was re-elected without opposition in 2014.

She also has served as a Milwaukee County court commissioner, adjunct professor at Marquette University Law School, assistant district attorney, and special assistant U.S. attorney.

As judge, she presided over felony courtrooms for several years and is now assigned to civil court.

Dallet received her law degree from Case Western Reserve University Law School in 1994.

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